Little silent worms
all over your ground
but a nosy frog
wants to dig around
Swallow the frog
with a glass of wine
let them have some fun
in your pond
Open for a shout
He goes through your mouth
He knows his job
You have to let him pass
Swallow the frog
with a glass of wine
let them have some fun
in your pond
Put your cheesy faith in me
I will laugh till my last breath
Time will wait for you
It will let you be silly.
It`s a dog hole
That I can`t fit in.
Just after the sunset
with all that dust in the air
sky looks partly gray
Sun lies like a tired woman
stretching along the horizon
joining to the ground
But let`s race with the sun
Put your foot on pedal
We both will be vanished in the dark
Let`s race with the sun
I let it all in
All the pain
All the thoughts
All the beauty and ugliness
I let them flow, I let them fly
In my mind, late at night
Somewhere in the corner of my brain
A late night sweeper sweeps
Somewhere in the corner of my brain
A late night prostitute fucks
And I think and think
Till the night wins
And sleep makes me forgive
I know that somewhere
Someone dreams to sleep.
You wanted your best friend's girl
You wanted your best friend's face
You’re a wool yarn that never opens
You’re a chain of complexes
Whatever you`re not capable of
Whatever you truly disregard
Complexes do them for you
Complexes guide what you do
Boulders out of the sea
Boulders out of mountains
Boulders in our mouth
It`s a legerdemain
That we talk
Mouth full of boulders
Mouth full of boulders
We drink
Mouth full of boulders
We dance
It`s a legerdemain.
We float in the water
Mouth full of boulders
We go with the stream
We end in the sea
We end on the mountains
Mouth full of boulders
A flow of eternal sadness
runs through my whole body
My hands are sad
My eyes are sad
Only death can revitalize me!
A day that starts with drinking in 2 am
A night that never happens
A bed that silently mourns
Oh I`m just too tired to die
TV has claimed to be god
Kids tired of superheroes (OR Kids playing suicidal games)
Broken glass is still a bottle
Oh I`m just too tired to die
Trees go to work
Trees get tired
Trees fall in love
In a jungle
Trees take a shower
Trees go to sleep
Trees deeply breathe
Can`t be a human, be a tree
Can`t be a human, be a tree
Music: I bet you think about me by Taylor
من این شعرها رو در 19 سالگی نوشتم. (اسنادش هم موجوده)
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