
面向中东,共创未来 来自伊朗的“巴扎商店”参展China Joy

"第17届中国国际数码互动娱乐展览会(China Joy)于8月2日-5日在上海新国际博览中心举办,年轻人所向往的游戏、动漫以及科技都尽数呈现在了面前。在本届China Joy上,伊朗最大手机应用商店“Cafebazaar巴扎商店”全球媒体总裁Alireza Ahmadi先生以及他的团队们向大家分享了中东波斯语区游戏发行的真实情况。" 阅读更多

来自伊朗的巴扎商店参展2019ChinaJoy BTOB


“随着中国与美国的贸易战开战,以及来自欧洲的收入前景不明朗,中国企业正在世界各地寻找出口市场。中国开发商,通常更倾向于海外市场收入上升的前景,其中也包括了在互联网经济不太发达但迅速上升的中东地区。” 阅读更多



“随着中国游戏市场的逐渐触顶,出海成为近两年游戏公司的普遍选择。在出海目的地中东地区,《苏丹的复仇》的成功让中国游戏公司看到了中东市场的潜力,但中东地区复杂的金融体系和语言宗教壁垒也让不少中国游戏公司望而却步。” 阅读更多

Cafe Bazaar, the Largest Android Marketplace in the Middle East Seeks Cooperation with Chinese Game Developers

"When talking about the overseas exportation of Chinese video games, one market you might never actually think about is the Middle East. According to the 2018 report of Chinese mobile gaming’s going overseas, in terms of total money spent on games by Chinese developers, the top ten countries are all from North America, Europe and other parts of Asia. Saudi Arabia ranks the first out of countries from the Middle East. Considering the cultural differences, one of the major problems in terms of localization is the language. For Persian speaking regions like Iran, it could be a little confusing for users to understand the cultural settings in dynasty games like The Three Kingdoms. However a wide range of genres from role playing games, to casual games are still to be explored." 阅读更多