
“Born in Iran”, the third festival sponsored by Cafe Bazaar in support of developers around the country was held between September 4th and 7th. The festival was celebrated by developers and audiences, and the hashtag #BornInIran was shared 7 million times.

The theme of this year was “reputable and respected, born in Iran” (a play on a Persian expression) and the festival sought to support the credibility of Iranian developers to help increase consumer confidence and loyalty in quality Iranian applications and games. For this reason, our first page exclusively featured well developed Iranian products. More than 500 apps and games were introduced and promoted through this effort, a 150% increase over the previous year.

We also collaborated with over 20,000 local developers to support quality Iranian products. Participants shared their experiences and perspectives about using various apps and games with others with the hashtag #BornInIran to promote quality products developed domestically.

A section in the popular game Amirza was dedicated to promoting Iranian apps with word games being played with the names of Iranian products and prizes being awarded to game winners. Prizes were donated by Café Bazaar, Snapp, Aio, Piadeh, Takhfifan, Rayhoon, Filmio, Taghche, karafs and Snapp Foods.

At the end of the promotional events, Cafe Bazaar released a report on the Iranian quality apps and games in different provinces of the country, in which the total number of products produced in each province B was laid out for both developers and consumers.