Jet Fuel

Throughout history, oil and the products obtained from oil have been able to make human life easier and bring it closer to modernity. After the advancement of technology and man's access to special airplanes and types of jets and missiles, the issue of their fuel was also raised.
Jet fuel is one of the other products obtained from oil and is one of the essential needs of human life today

Jet Fuel
Jet Fuel

Jet Fuel

Jet engines in all types of airplanes, helicopters, and all aircraft use a fuel called jet fuel, which must have special conditions and be fueled by different fuel tanks.

Aircraft engines have a different structure from car piston cylinder engines. In these engines, by creating acceleration in the air, a force called “Trust” is created, and this force actually causes the necessary forward thrust in the plane. Therefore, jet fuel must have a special structure.

Sustainable Jet Fuel

Suitable jet fuel should have a high ignition temperature, should not precipitate and cause rust, should have a high calorific value, be safe to transport and work with, should not damage the hot parts of the engine turbine, and flow well in cold weather.

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Jet Fuel