Emerging of web-based spatial decision support systems

Emerging of web-based spatial decision support systems in Tehran Municipality

Nowadays, the use of information systems in municipalities has become a necessity. With the addition of the concept of smart cities to the urban planning literature, advanced information systems such as decision support systems have also emerged. In this short article, the achievements of Tehran Municipality in the development of web based spatial decision support systems of Tehran Municipality in the field of urban planning are briefly reviewed.

Perhaps the first official experience for Tehran Municipality web-based spatial decision support systems in the field of urban planning was the new detailed plan system of Tehran, which was developed in 2012. The highlight as a decision support system was the model that determined the FAR (Floor area ratio) for each land parcel in the database based on the change of two parameters of road width and land area size.

Fig1: an snapshot of Tehran detail plan system
Fig1: an snapshot of Tehran detail plan system

This success led to confidence in the Municipality experts. Then tools for decision support systems were developed inside the Tehran Observatory center that were run offline Typically noted support systems for site selections and permission applications predicting via A.I.

In the latest achievement, Tehran Municipality GIS technology Team has succeeded in developing TOD (Transit-oriented development) scoring system in 2021. In this web-based system, based on TOD standard the user observes the calculated score of each zone by giving the parameters related to block information, street, land, sidewalk and public transportation. The system also outputs for each TOD standard metrics, including items such as Walkability, Density, Connectivity and so on.

Fig2: an snapshot of TOD scoring system
Fig2: an snapshot of TOD scoring system

These experiences clearly show that a high capacity for the production and development of urban planning decision support systems is emerging in Tehran, which can provide the conditions for the formation of a smart city in the future.