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How to start a successful business

Most entrepreneurs will tell you that the process of starting a craft business as well as a successful and profitable service business is the most challenging and rewarding way to make a living. Being a successful entrepreneur takes a lot of hard work and dedication, but in general, you should emphasize and rely on a number of personality traits and business practices that characterize a successful entrepreneur. These characteristics exist in the fundamental principles of a company as well as in daily activities and determine every decision made by an entrepreneur. By following the guidelines below, you can increase your chances of starting a successful business or getting your current business back on track.


Facing excuses

There are many people in the world who dream of starting a business and business but never do. The reason for this is the existence of fears and excuses that they have for lack of responsibility and in fact they can bring thousands of reasons for not working and not starting a business. Being the boss can be scary and most entrepreneurs fear the dangers of the job, but you need to identify your excuses and try to solve them. These excuses act like a stumbling block and to start a business you need to re-examine your interests and find a solution to let go of negative thoughts.

Do what you know

That said, it's best to start a business that focuses on something you have experience with. This experience can be a previous work experience or a personal hobby that you want to turn into a career. Even if a business idea sounds very profitable in theory, only start this business if you are passionate about it. While profit is important, it probably won't keep you at the top and keep you growing every day.


For example, imagine you have experience preparing coffee as a waiter and want to turn your passion for good coffee into a small business. You have enough knowledge of this industry and you can use not only your knowledge but also your interest in work.

Do what you know

That said, it's best to start a business that focuses on something you have experience with. This experience can be a previous work experience or a personal hobby that you want to turn into a career. Even if a business idea sounds very profitable in theory, only start this business if you are passionate about it. While profit is important, it probably won't keep you at the top and keep you growing every day.

For example, imagine you have experience preparing coffee as a waiter and want to turn your passion for good coffee into a small business. You have enough knowledge of this industry and you can use not only your knowledge but also your interest in work.

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Find a solution:

Instead of just thinking about what to sell, think about possible solutions. If your company can solve problems, it will be more successful in attracting customers, for example, you see what problem a certain company has with its products and you try to solve this problem or prevent it from happening.


Start with specific goals

While the financial benefits of owning a business can be huge, most successful entrepreneurs don't start out with money in mind. To grow your business and become a successful entrepreneur, you need a clear and specific goal. This goal should be more specific than money, such as b. Serving the community by creating a job, solving everyday problems or pursuing a passion. This does not mean that you should not seek profit, but that your main goal should be to achieve something bigger.

- For example, in the coffee shop we visit, your goal might be to serve every customer a great cup of coffee. Or it can create a community in your coffee shop where people can meet their friends.

Keep it simple:

To start a business, you have a specific idea in mind that you need to implement. First of all, you should give up luxury and glamor and instead sell your goods cheaper and as an entrepreneur and novice try to provide good quality in a simple way and carefully meet the needs and expectations of customers. and do not ignore them.

Remove unnecessary and redundant features from your products and don't let your customers down.


Know and understand your customer well

Before you start, take the time to do market research and get to know your customers and industry. There are resources that provide adequate information about the services and products required. You should also think about who will buy your product or service and find the best way to satisfy them.

- In the case of the coffee shop example, ask yourself: am I trying to please the "coffee lovers" who don't have time to wait five minutes to order? Or do I focus on people who want to grab a coffee on their way to work and go fast? or both? When you understand the people you choose to serve, you can serve them better.

State the first step instead of the goal

You should always start with a business model that can be implemented and managed quickly and with minimal budget. There are many small businesses that start with ambitious goals that require a lot of initial capital and investors. However, successful companies will have a model that can be used on a smaller scale. This shows potential investors that your idea is a valid and reliable way to make money and increases your chances of getting investment money (if you're looking for it).

For example, imagine you want to start a large business that sources, imports, roasts and packages coffee beans to be sold raw or served to customers in cafes. Instead of thinking about getting big investors to buy all this equipment, you should start your business with a small coffee shop and then possibly ship and import coffee beans from there to start your branding efforts. do.

Cost Estimation:

When you start a business, you need to think about the value and costs involved, e.g. B- Expenses such as employment, rent, water and electricity, marketing, etc. . . . Even while you're at work, think about unexpected expenses. Don't neglect your personal budget and consider how much money you need to live on that can cover rent, health care, groceries, gas, etc. Now with all these things in mind, you can create a business budget and even count on a bank loan and make a wiser decision.


Build a support network

One of the most important parts of successful entrepreneurship is overcoming pride and asking for help. Your primary source of advice may be a group of peers and other professionals who share your goals. Surround yourself with smart and successful people and thus always keep your ideas and interests warm.

- Also search online for general small business advice. The web is a mine of information. Just make sure you get the information from reliable sources.

Imagine you have no money:

No money means absolutely zero, a lot of things can happen between jobs where you don't have money. This has happened to many entrepreneurs and it is completely normal.

Think about your current source of income and what income do you have from your current job? How long does it take for your income stream to run out? What unexpected events can happen along the way? Be prepared for such a situation to cope with it more easily.

Find a good coach

A good coach in this case is someone who has been or is a successful business owner. A good example would be a family member or family friend who has been successful in business. This trainer can help teach you everything you need to know about how to manage your employees to fill out tax forms. Because their knowledge comes directly from experience, they are able to help you personally more than any other source.

- Although your mentor does not necessarily have to have the same type of business that you have started, but if so, he can help more. For example, another coffee shop owner would be the best source of information in the coffee shop example, but a restaurateur can also be of great help.

Build and earn:

If you want to start a small business, don't lose your current job. This process takes time and try to move your business step by step.

As a newbie you need more time to make money and in fact you should spend more time on it.

Talk about your business:

One of the challenges faced by business owners is that they do not know where to start selling. Maybe sharing ideas and asking questions is a little scary for you, especially if you are a newbie. You have to put aside your fear of what other people think about your business, and if you can't convince customers to buy from you and support your company, you will definitely fail.

So the only possible way is to talk to experienced people in this field and ask your questions. It is definitely not easy, but keep your confidence and try to solve the problems.

Learn about the rules for starting a business:

Starting a new job and a new business will be exciting, but following the rules is always boring and difficult. However, you are encouraged to know these rules and follow them. One of the important rules is to create an accounting system that must proceed according to the rules. Paying taxes is also one of the most important, and the laws related to employee rights are also one of the most important.

In general, the existing laws depend on the type of your business, and it is necessary to know them.

Balance your knowledge and passion:

One of the most important success factors in business is the desire to implement business ideas. Enthusiasm in this matter can provide one's business growth process, but don't let this enthusiasm overpower you and influence your decisions.

Passion and motivation can take you forward, but science and knowledge will guide you in the right direction, so don't forget to do your research.

Starting a business and a new job is like driving a car, where passion and motivation act like gasoline, and your controlling mind is like the steering wheel of the car and its driver.

صنایع دستی دوراونتاش از سال 1368 در خوزستان – دزفول به تولید انواع کیف با پارچه های سنتی و گلیمی، تولید گلیم دستباف ، محصولات حصیری، کپو، آویزها وتزینات مختلف مشغول است .
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