ورودثبت نام
Zahra Sadat
Zahra Sadat
خواندن ۲ دقیقه·۳ ماه پیش

Dear my little hero

Dear my little hero,

Today is the 191st day on which you experience war in real. Our words will never be enough to make everything OK. But I want you to know that we are sorry. We are sorry that the autumn and winter in 2023 will be remembered as the worst autumn and winter of all your life.

Bomb after bomb. Explosion after explosion. You sit silent. You put your hands over your ears and try to block the sounds of bombardment. It’s terribly awful to imagine this never-ending distressful scene just for one day while you experience it every day, moment by moment! Words remain insufficient to describe the hardships you endure while your parents go out to find food and water or a safe shelter and you are afraid. You ask yourself: “Will they come back? Will I see them again?” The depth of your suffering is definitely unimaginable. You ask yourself: “Why do they kill us? Why can’t anyone protect us?” But listen to me. It’s not your fault. It’s theirs. They justify your death with politics. They found you and your ancestors guilty just because being born in Palestine! This is the answer.

We are sorry. We forgot that you had dreams. Childhood had no meaning to you. It came and went so quickly that you understood nothing but just war, wound, bomb, and blood. With every breath you took, you inhale fear, pain, sadness, and anger. But let me tell you that all these will not go in vain. Soon you will live in your lovely homelands. You will open the door with the key you have hold in your fist tightly for years. You will stand on the balcony. The olive branches sway gently in the wind. You see the children laughing loudly while playing in the beach and flying their kites.

I wanted you to know that so many of us see you, love you, have not forgotten you, and pray for you. I wished that we lived in a world of peace, justice, love, and freedom for all people. No matter where you are, or what your religion, race, and language is. I am sure one day you and your friends survive, so you can share your life story with the world. You will have the opportunity to show your innocence and braveness to the world. I am sure it will be a glorious show!

Sending my peace and blessings.

With all my heart,

Someone who love you and pray for you,

Zahra Sadat

a letteran opening letterpalestinesincere promisewar
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