ورودثبت نام
سهراب خان‌بدر | Sohrab Khanbadr
سهراب خان‌بدر | Sohrab Khanbadr
خواندن ۵ دقیقه·۵ ماه پیش

جنگل درخشان

The Glowing Grove

Deep within the Amazon rainforest, shrouded in perpetual twilight, lies a hidden wonder - the Glowing Grove. Here, nestled amidst towering kapok trees and vibrant orchids, a mesmerizing spectacle unfolds each night. As darkness descends, the forest floor transforms into a luminous tapestry. Bioluminescent fungi, adorned with an ethereal glow, erupt from the damp earth, casting an otherworldly light. These aren't mere decorations; the fungi use their bioluminescence to attract insects, spreading their spores and ensuring their survival. The symphony of light isn't confined to the ground. Fireflies, like living constellations, flit amongst the trees, their tiny lanterns illuminating the emerald foliage. The air itself hums with the nocturnal chorus of crickets and frogs, creating a breathtaking sensory experience unlike any other on Earth.

Farsi Translation

در اعماق جنگل آمازون، پوشیده از گرگ و میش دائمی، یک اعجوبه پنهان وجود دارد - جنگل درخشان. در اینجا، در میان درختان کاپوک بلند و ارکیده های پر جنب و جوش، هر شب منظره ای مسحورکننده رخ می دهد. با فرارسیدن تاریکی، کف جنگل به قالیچه ای درخشان تبدیل می شود. قارچ های بیولومینسان، با درخششی آسمانی، از زمین مرطوب فوران می کنند و نوری فراطبیعی می تابانند. اینها صرفاً تزئینات نیستند؛ قارچ ها از بیولومینسانس خود برای جذب حشرات، گسترش هاگ ها و اطمینان از بقای خود استفاده می کنند. سمفونی نور به زمین محدود نمی شود. کرم شب تاب ها، مانند صورت های فلکی زنده، در میان درختان پرواز می کنند، فانوس های کوچکشان برگ های زمردین را روشن می کنند. خود هوا با صدای شبانه جیرجیرک ها و قورباغه ها پر می شود و یک تجربه حسی خیره کننده را ایجاد می کند که در هیچ کجای زمین شبیه آن وجود ندارد.

Essential Words List:

  • Deep (عمیق [amiq]): Far from the surface. (Describes the location of the grove)
  • Amazon rainforest (جنگل آمازون [janqal-e amazoon]): A vast rainforest in South America. (Setting of the story)
  • Shrouded (پوشیده [pooshide]): Covered or hidden. (Describes how the grove is hidden)
  • Perpetual twilight (گرگ و میش دائمی [gorg o mish-e daaimi]): Constant dim light, like that between sunset and sunrise. (Lighting condition in the grove)
  • Hidden wonder (عجوبه پنهان [ajaayeb-e penaahan]): A beautiful and amazing thing that is hidden. (The grove)
  • Nestled (قرار گرفته [gharar gerefte]): Situated or positioned comfortably in a small space. (Describes the location of the grove)
  • Towering kapok trees (درختان کاپوک بلند [derekhtan-e kaapuk-e بلند]): Very tall trees with large trunks. (Part of the forest)
  • Vibrant orchids (ارکیده های پر جنب و جوش [orkideehaa-ye pur janboosh]): Colorful flowering plants. (Part of the forest)
  • Mesmerizing spectacle (منظره مسحورکننده [manzare-e mashoor kondendeh]): A beautiful and captivating sight. (The glowing forest floor)
  • Unfolds (رخ می دهد [rokh mi dehad]): Happens or develops. (Describes how the light appears)
  • Bioluminescent fungi (قارچ های بیولومینسان [qarchhaa-ye bioluminesaan]): Fungi that emit light. (The source of the glow)
  • Adorned (آراسته [aaraste]): Decorated or embellished. (Describes the fungi)
  • Ethereal (آسمانی [aasmaani]): Heavenly or spiritual. (Describes the glow)
  • Erupt (فوران می کنند [fooraan mi konand]): Appear suddenly and in large quantities. (Describes how the fungi grow)
  • Damp earth (زمین مرطوب [zamin-e morطوب]): Wet ground. (Where the fungi grow)
  • Otherworldly (فراطبیعی [faraan tabii]): Not belonging to this world. (Describes the light)
  • Mere decorations (صرفاً تزئینات [sarefan tazئینaat]): Just for decoration.

  • Mere (صرفاً [sarefan]): Only; nothing more than. (Describes the fungi not just being decorations)
  • Decoration (تزئینات [tazئینaat]): Something added to something else to make it look more attractive. (What the bioluminescence isn't for the fungi)
  • Attract (جذب کردن [jazb kardan]): To make someone or something want to come near. (What the fungi use their bioluminescence for)
  • Insect (حشره [hashere]): A small, air-breathing animal with six legs, three body parts (head, thorax, and abdomen), and usually one or two pairs of wings. (What the fungi attract)
  • Spores (هاگ [haag]): Reproductive units of fungi that can grow into new fungi. (What the fungi spread)
  • Ensure (اطمینان کردن [etminaan kardan]): To make certain that something happens. (What the fungi are trying to do by spreading spores)
  • Survival (بقا [baqa]): The act of continuing to live. (What the fungi are trying to ensure)
  • Confined (محدود [mahdood]): Restricted to a particular area or space. (Describes how the light show isn't just on the ground)
  • Symphony of light (سمفونی نور [sinfoni-e noor]): A beautiful display of light, like a symphony of music. (Describes the overall light show)
  • Firefly (کرم شب تاب [korm-e shab taab]): A small beetle that can produce light. (Another source of light in the grove)
  • Constellation (صورت فلکی [soorate-ye falaki]): A group of stars that form a recognizable pattern in the night sky. (What the fireflies resemble)
  • Flit (پخشیدن [pashidan]): To move quickly and lightly from one place to another. (How the fireflies move)
  • Emerald foliage (برگ های زمردین [barghaa-ye zomorodin]): The green leaves of the plants in the forest. (What the fireflies illuminate)
  • Hum (پر کردن از صدا [por kardan az seda]): To make a continuous, low-pitched sound. (Describes the sound of the crickets and frogs)
  • Nocturnal (شبانه [shabane]): Active at night. (Describes the crickets and frogs)
  • Chorus (گروه کر [groupe-ye kor]): A group of singers or animals singing together. (Describes the sounds of the crickets and frogs)
  • Breathtaking (خیره کننده [khireh konande]): So beautiful or amazing that it takes your breath away. (Describes the sensory experience)
  • Sensory experience (تجربه حسی [tajrobe-e hesi]): Something that is perceived by the senses (sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch). (The overall experience in the grove)
  • Unlike any other (شبیه هیچ کجای زمین [shahbih-e hich koojai zamin]): Not the same as anything else on Earth. (How unique the experience is)
صورت‌های فلکیجنگل
چیزی مثبت بگو، و چیز مثبت خواهی دید." — جیم تامپسون من کیستم ؟ من کجا هستم ؟ من چه میخواهم ؟
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