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Who Am I?

Founder of a challenging startup

Who Am I?

I am the middle son in the family, being absolutely loved and spoilt by my big sister. I was born with a genetic disease called “SMA”: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spinal_muscular_atrophy … and I could never walk. SMA is a rare nervous muscular disorder which affects the muscles and gradually destroys them and it often causes early death. “My mother tells me…” According to my mother, I could not balance my head and body normally since birth and, as a toddler, I could only crawl or sometimes walk with baby walker. She says, “You never cried nor complained for not being able to walk and it never stopped you from giving up. You were very well aware of your situation and, with attitude and words, you skilfully convinced or emotionally led others to listen to you and do what you asked with great pleasure.” She also tells me that when this did not work, I resorted to bantering and using my powers over my mum and dad to get to what I wanted. My mother also says, “Despite all the hardship of the disease and numerous confinements in hospitals and undergoing major operations, you were a lively and happy child. At the first chance possible, you kept yourself busy or you teased the healthy children around you into playing with you and, at the end of the game, you would be the one leading the whole group!” She says I was never seen sitting in a place being bored. I was always playing games or making creative handicrafts and I always wanted to do big things! … this is what my mother tells me about my childhood. Grandmother’s Miracle And my grandmother! She called me a miracle for whom they should thank God. The word “miracle” always amused me but, when I learned reading and writing years later, I learned that miracle means an abnormal accident. Since then, I sometimes thought it would have been so nice had I really been a miracle. A Very Busy Childhood Since the age of five, I remember making different handicrafts and machines with any spare parts, tools and tools I could get my hands on. I was very curious and artistic. One of my most best and the most memorable childhood handicraft was a machine with gears salvaged from a broken wall clock and our broken radio. The frame of the machine was a toothpaste box. My elder cousin found this creation of mine so exciting that that he gave me a complete charcoal drawing set as a present which, in effect, turned me into a charcoal portrait artist. A pencil and a paper, and I could draw the portrait of almost anybody who sat opposite me. Because of my illness, I was never enrolled in a school and I could not read or write until the age of 13, but I was a good drawer. By the age of 16, I had successfully passed grade nine after being homeschooled. Since then, I could read books, newspapers and magazines and I loved writing but I was not physically able to write. As a child, I was slim but I looked normal. Before I reached puberty, the disease had barely changed my physique but it was was a progressive disorder and, as I grew up, the speed with which my skeleton and my muscles were affected, gathered pace. At the age of 16, my hands were not able to hold a pen and write or draw. Puberty, seen as the rebirth for others, proved to be the most difficult time of my life. It brought me deep loneliness and sadness. Just before my 18th birthday, my sister saw it as the right opportunity to ask my father if he could get me a computer. I had just been discharged from the hospital and, that time, I had lost control of my left hand. With the support of my siblings, my parents purchased a computer in instalments. They also ordered a suitable chair and desk specially made for me. Everything was set for me to continue my fight. I was relatively depressed but I was in a fighting mode: I planned my daily schedule for learning to work with this miraculous technology. PS: Here, I wrote a brief summary of my childhood for my dear fans and followers. I will try to write about my life events and my memories in the future posts. I personally think the story of my childhood will turn out to be the most fascinating part.

Vahid Rajabloo; Biography

Founder of Tavanito www.tavanito.com

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