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چت‌بات ChatGPT چندزبانه است. به فارسی درخواست می‌دهید به انگلیسی تحویل می‌گیرید! بهتر از این؟

در این مطلب ۴ درخواست را تست کردم تا نهایتا به بهترین روش درخواست از چت‌بات برسم. این طور هستند:

  • به فارسی با جزئیات.
  • به فارسی بدون جزئیات
  • به انگلیسی بدون جزئیات.
  • به انگلیسی با جزئیات کم.

اول نتیجه را می‌گویم اگر دوست داشتید متن‌ها را هم ببینید.

نتیجه مقایسه و روش درخواست دادن

اول این که زبان درخواست، چه فارسی چه انگلیسی، تاثیری در خروجی چت‌بات نداشت. گویا موتور ربات همه را یک جور پردازش می‌کنند.

نکته مهم در جزئیات بود! هر چقدر جزئیات بهتر، خروجی تمیزتر! من از خروجی اول خوشم آمد. برای شروع عالی بود. بعد اصلاح می‌کنم و ادامه ماجرا. من حس کمال‌گرایی، گیر دادن و به تاخیر انداختن هستم. این جور چت‌بات‌ها هولم می‌دهند. ازین بابت خوشم می‌آید و به شما هم توصیه می‌کنم.

پس مهم‌ترین نکته این می‌شود به کدام و چطور به توانایی‌هایمان اشاره کنیم. کدام را در ویترینِ نامه بگذاریم. بنظرم یک درخواست در مورد نقطه قوت‌ها یا حوزه تخصص (field of expertise) بدهیم، بعد آن را در نامه وارد کنم! این بهترین مدل جور کردن نامه می‌شود.

راستی عنوان همه نامه‌ها ضایع بود. بهترین عنوان ساده، روشن و دقیق است. مثل این:

Prospective PhD student: Research Info needed (Fall 2020)

در مطلب بعدی در مورد عنوان می‌نویسم. این نتیجه‌های اصلی بود. خواستید نگاهی به متن‌ها بیندازید. بفرمائید:

درخواست (۱) به فارسی با جزئیات

لطفا یک ایمیل به زبان انگلیسی بنویس. از یک استاد دانشگاه بپرس آیا در موضوع مورد علاقه من دانشجوی دکتری می‌پذیرند و این که آیا بورس کامل ارائه می‌کنند. من در زمینه کیفیت هوا و محیط‌های شهری سالم کار کرده‌ام. با پایتون و نرم‌افزار آر تحلیل داده بلدم. رزومه پیوست می‌شود.

Subject: Inquiry about PhD admission and scholarship opportunities in the field of air quality and urban environments

Dear Professor [Insert Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to inquire about the possibility of pursuing a PhD in your esteemed department at [Insert University Name] in the field of air quality and urban environments.

I have a strong academic and professional background in this area, and have worked extensively in developing and implementing solutions for improving air quality and creating healthy urban environments. I am proficient in Python and data analysis software, and I believe my skills and experience would make a valuable contribution to ongoing research in this field.
I would be grateful if you could inform me whether your department is currently accepting PhD students in this area, and whether there are any scholarship opportunities available. I have attached my resume for your reference.

Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

محاسن و معایب

عنوان واقعا ضایع است! معمولا یک عبارت کوتاه و ساده‌تر می‌نویسند. جزئیات هم آن طور که باید نیست!

مزیت جدی و بزرگ این متن صراحت و دقت است. استادها وقت زیادی برای نوشته ندارند، اگر بخوانند.

درخواست (۲) به فارسی بدون جزئیات

لطفا یک ایمیل به زبان انگلیسی بنویس. در آن از یک استاد دانشگاه بپرس آیا در موضوع مورد علاقه من دانشجوی دکتری می‌پذیرند. و این که آیا بورس کامل ارائه می‌کنند.

Subject: Inquiry about PhD admission and full scholarship opportunities
Dear Professor [Insert Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to inquire about the possibility of pursuing a PhD in [Insert Field/Area of Interest] in your esteemed department at [Insert University Name].

As someone who is passionate about [Insert Field/Area of Interest], I am eager to explore the possibility of pursuing a doctoral degree in this area. I am particularly impressed with the research being conducted at your department and believe that the expertise of your faculty members and the resources available would be invaluable for my research interests.

I would also like to inquire about the availability of full scholarships for PhD students. As an international applicant, financial assistance would be crucial for me to pursue my academic goals. Therefore, I would appreciate it if you could provide me with information on the funding opportunities available for PhD students in your department.

I have attached my CV and academic transcripts for your consideration, and I would be happy to provide any additional information that you may require.

Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Sincerely, [Your Name]

محاسن و معایب

کلا در انتخاب عنوان بی‌سلیقه است! چه کسی در عنوان می‌نویسید بورس دارید!

بدنه ایمیل از عنوان هم ضایع‌تر است! به قول مافیا نوار خالی داشت.

درخواست (۳) سوال به زبان انگلیسی بدون جزئیات

Please write a letter to a university professor ask him whether there is an available position for phd for me. Also ask him about full fund for that position.

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State ZIP Code] [Country] [Email Address] [Date]
[Professor’s Name] [Department Name] [University Name] [Address] [City, State ZIP Code] [Country]

Dear Professor [Professor's Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to inquire about the possibility of pursuing a PhD program in your esteemed department at [University Name].

As someone who is passionate about [Insert your field of interest], I am eager to explore the possibility of pursuing a doctoral degree in this area. I have been impressed by the research being conducted by faculty members in your department, and I believe that the expertise of your team and the resources available would be invaluable for my academic and research goals.

I would like to inquire whether there is an available position for a PhD program in your department that aligns with my research interests. I have attached my academic transcripts, research experience, and achievements, which I believe showcase my academic and professional capabilities for your review.

Additionally, I would like to inquire about the availability of full funding for PhD students in your department. As an international student, funding would be crucial for me to pursue my academic goals, and I am keen to learn about any scholarships, assistantships, or other financial aid opportunities available to support my studies.

I would be grateful if you could provide me with any information on the application process, deadlines, and funding opportunities for PhD students in your department. I look forward to hearing from you soon and hope to have the opportunity to discuss my application further with you.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


[Your Name]

محاسن و معایب

این هم مشابه قبلی از آب درآمد. یعنی زبان درخواست چه فارسی چه انگلیسی ربطی به خروجی ربات ندارند.

درخواست (۴) سوال به زبان انگلیسی با جزئیات کم

Please write an email to a university professor ask him whether there is an available position for PhD for me in my fields of expertise. Also ask him about full fund for that position.

Subject: PhD Position Inquiry in [Your Field of Expertise]

Dear Professor [Professor's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to inquire about the possibility of pursuing a PhD program in [Your Field of Expertise] in your esteemed department at [University Name].
As someone who is deeply passionate about [Your Field of Expertise], I am eager to explore the possibility of pursuing a doctoral degree in this area. I have been impressed by the research being conducted by faculty members in your department, and I believe that the expertise of your team and the resources available would be invaluable for my academic and research goals.
I would like to inquire whether there is an available PhD position in your department that aligns with my research interests and expertise. My academic background and research experience have provided me with a strong foundation in [Your Field of Expertise], and I believe that pursuing a doctoral degree would enable me to contribute meaningfully to the field.

In addition, I would like to inquire about the availability of full funding for PhD students in your department. As an international student, securing financial support is a critical factor in my decision to pursue a doctoral degree. I am keen to learn about any scholarships, fellowships, or assistantships available to support my studies.

---> I have attached my CV and academic transcripts for your consideration, which I believe demonstrate my academic and research capabilities. I would be grateful if you could provide me with any information on the application process, deadlines, and funding opportunities for PhD students in your department. I look forward to hearing from you soon and hope to have the opportunity to discuss my application further with you.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


[Your Name]

محاسن و معایب

نمی‌دانم چرا اما این خروجی یک بند بیشتر داشت! که اتفاقا خوب هم نبود چرا که سوال زیادی از استاد می‌پرسد. نامه شفافیتش را از دست می‌دهد. شبیه ۳ خروجی قبلی بود.

قبلا در مورد چت‌بات ChatGPT برای رزومه‌نویسی و توصیه نامه نوشته‌ام.