ایران مارکتدرایران مارکت·۲ سال پیشLiquid ParaffinLiquid Paraffin Wax is a milky liquid composition and is used for washing powder, synthetic detergents, synthetic petroleum proteins, emul…
ایران مارکتدرایران مارکت·۲ سال پیشParaffin OilAbraham Gessner, a Canadian geologist, first distilled kerosene from coal in 1846. Kerosene, also called paraffin or paraffin oil, is a fl…
ایران مارکتدرایران مارکت·۲ سال پیشKeroseneIn the past, kerosene was used to create light, heat, and energy all over the world. The first written documents about the distillation pr…