هاجر رنجبر
هاجر رنجبر
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Would you like some?

  • Take the juice out of Hafiz's poem so much so that nothing of sweetness is left and remember "Roma non fu fatta in un giorno" just as genuine love is not formed overnight! you don't need to know Italian if you are clever enough to guess the meaning from the clues put before your eyes. "Roma,non, un giorno" and remember "tolerance of ambiguity" can make one fare a lot better in life when feel lost. Anyway, chop it into pieces of the same size as lovingly as you possibly can.

گویند سنگ لعل شود در مقام صبر آری شود ولیک به خون جگر شود

خواهم شدن به میکده گریان و دادخواه کز دست غم خلاص من آنجا مگر شود

از هر کرانه تیر دعا کرده ام روان باشد کزاین میانه یکی کارگر شود

and that's the magic only Hafiz can do as you feel the soul and meaning resuscitated back into life. That's how the magic works. Your kind words have the power to transform,transfix and transport me ,and just like that the subtle ingredient adds to the mixture without you adding anything consciously.

and of course a pich of few words from Jacques Pervert:

Des milliers et des milliers d'annes

Ne sauraient suffire

Pour dire

La petite seconde d'eternite

ou tu m'as embrasse

ou je t'ai embrasse

a sense of curiosity, a searching mind and tolerance of ambiguity is all you need to sense the difference it all does to the mixture before you roll your eyes to indicate your lack of interest in tates you can make no sense of. You avoid the unknown and embrace boredom for the rest of your life imbibing platitudes day in day out. is that what you want? probably not!

Just as you feel your finished and done with the whole venture a distictive aroma hits your nostrils"behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy"

Amen. we go!