Mohadeseh Moayedinia·۵ سال پیشThe Theory of hard workTypically when you are talking about hard work it means you are working too much. But...
Mohadeseh Moayedinia·۵ سال پیشThe strategy matters through the crisisExperts say in a crisis, you may think you need a whole new set of management approaches and strategy will always lead you there.
Mohadeseh Moayedinia·۵ سال پیشThe Importance of Ikigai to Increase your ProductivityNowadays, along with everything going around the world, people are super busy doing their jobs rather than getting the job done.
Mohadeseh Moayedinia·۵ سال پیشThe fact that you found us, is inbound marketing!Inbound marketing methodology contains three different stages
Mohadeseh Moayedinia·۵ سال پیشKPIs vs. OKRsWhen it comes to business process metrics, we all remember KPIs or recently OKRs as well. But how can we use them?
Mohadeseh Moayedinia·۵ سال پیشThe story of persistence, determination, and hustle in crisis“We didn’t want to post on Craigslist because we felt it was too impersonal. Our entrepreneur instinct said ‘build your own site."
Mohadeseh Moayediniaدرfof_Tehran·۵ سال پیشدورکاری/ Remote Jobsدر بازار کار امروز ، شنیدن اصطلاحات دورکاری، فریلنسینگ و خویشفرما و ... مقداری دشوار است و داشتن مفهوم درستی از آن دشوارتر ....